The Rex Begonia is a true delight for plant enthusiasts, prized for its captivating foliage. This semi-tropical perennial offers a wide array of colors, textures, and shapes in its large, variegated leaves. From heart-shaped to seashell swirls and ivy-like forms, the Rex Begonia showcases a stunning palette of greens, pinks, burgundies, and even metallic silver hues. As a houseplant, the Rex Begonia is remarkably easy to care for, making it an excellent choice for both experienced and novice gardeners.

The Rex Begonia, also known as the “painted-leaf begonia” or “fancy-leaf begonia,” is a native of tropical regions and thrives as an indoor container plant or outdoor specimen. These round, compact plants typically reach heights and spreads of 8 to 12 inches, making them ideal for adding a touch of lush, vibrant foliage to any living space.

Key Takeaways

  • The Rex Begonia is prized for its captivating, variegated foliage in a wide range of colors and shapes.
  • As a houseplant, the Rex Begonia is relatively easy to care for, making it suitable for both experienced and novice plant enthusiasts.
  • The Rex Begonia typically grows to a height and width of 8-12 inches, making it a compact and versatile addition to any indoor or outdoor setting.
  • With proper Rex Begonia care, including attention to lighting, watering, and humidity, gardeners can enjoy the plant’s vibrant foliage for years to come.
  • The Begonia rex-cultorum group encompasses a diverse range of Rex Begonia cultivars, each with its own unique characteristics.

Introduction to Rex Begonias

The captivating Rex Begonia, also known as Begonia rex-cultorum, originates from the tropical and subtropical regions of India. This vibrant plant is the parent of a vast group of hybrids that fall under the Begonia rex-cultorum classification, offering a diverse array of colors, shapes, and textures in their foliage.

Origins and Varieties

Rex begonias vary greatly in the size, color, and shape of their plants and leaves, yet they share some consistent characteristics. These rhizomatous perennials generally feature a dense, round architecture, typically growing to a height of 12-24 inches with an equivalent spread, making them well-suited for indoor home landscapes.

Unique Foliage Characteristics

The leaves of Rex Begonia plants come in a wide spectrum of colors, including green, red, pink, silver, gray, lavender, and maroon, often with a captivating metallic or iridescent glow. These plants also exhibit an impressive variety of leaf shapes, from heart-like to seashell swirls and ivy-like forms. Rex begonias characteristically have an alternate leaf arrangement, with simple leaves stemming from a rhizome beneath the soil. Their leaves are asymmetrical, cordate, and petiolate, with dentate/ciliate margins that result in distinct, eye-catching foliage patterns.

Optimal Growing Conditions

To ensure the vibrant foliage of your Rex Begonia plants, it’s crucial to provide the right growing conditions. From lighting requirements to soil and temperature preferences, understanding these key factors will help your Rex Begonias thrive.

Light Requirements

Rex begonias do well in bright, indirect light. They will tolerate partial shade conditions, but if offered too little light, they may go into dormancy. The ideal light intensity for most Rex Begonia varieties is 1,500 to 2,200 foot-candles. Lower-level light (~1000 foot-candles) can be used when the plants are first transplanted, for the initial two weeks. Rex begonias require 14 hours of day length to maintain healthy, consistent growth.

Temperature and Humidity Needs

Rex begonias are well adapted to USDA Hardiness Zones 7–12, with a temperature range of 60°F–80°F. The optimum day temperature range for these plants is 72°F–80°F, while the ideal night temperature is 60°F–65°F. Rex begonias prefer a very humid environment, requiring 50% or higher humidity for optimal growth and vibrant foliage.

Soil and Potting Mix

Airy, light, fast-draining soil is best for growing Rex begonias in containers. Their fine root systems thrive in a well-aerated, peat-based potting soil. Commercial potting mixes like Pro-Mix, Sunshine Mix, or Baccto Professional can provide the perfect foundation for healthy Rex Begonia plants.

Rex Begonia Plant Care

Rex begonias prefer a consistently moist but well-drained soil. Water them weekly, allowing the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Overwatering can easily cause root rot, so make sure the pots have adequate drainage holes. Rex begonias do not tolerate overly dry soil either, which can lead to wilting leaves or leaf loss.

Watering and Drainage

To ensure optimal Rex Begonia watering and drainage, water the plants weekly, allowing the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Overwatering can easily lead to root rot, so make sure the pots have sufficient drainage holes. On the other hand, rex begonias do not tolerate overly dry soil, which can result in wilting leaves or leaf loss.

Fertilizing Schedule

Fertilize rex begonias every month with a balanced, foliage-focused fertilizer. A 15-15-15 or 7-9-5 formula at 100–150 ppm nitrogen will ensure optimal growth and vibrant Rex Begonia foliage. Be sure to remove any dead leaves from the soil surface, as they can lead to pests and disease.

Propagation Techniques

Rex begonias can be propagated through several methods: dividing rhizomes, leaf cuttings, and stem cuttings. This versatile nature makes them an excellent choice for gardeners looking to expand their collection or share these beautiful plants with friends and family.

Dividing Rhizomes

To divide rhizomes, gently lift the plant from the pot in the springtime and use a clean pair of scissors or pruners to separate the Rex Begonia propagation rhizomes. Replant the divided stalks with roots into their own pots, keeping them consistently moist and out of direct sunlight for a couple of weeks.

Leaf Cuttings

For Rex Begonia leaf cuttings, take a leaf from the mother plant, trim the petiole, and insert it into well-draining soil. Place the pot in a location out of direct sun and keep the soil moist until new growth emerges in about 6 weeks.

Stem Cuttings

Stem cuttings can also be taken and rooted in a similar manner. Unique to Rex Begonias, they have the ability to regenerate from any plant part, making Rex Begonia division and Rex Begonia stem cuttings highly successful propagation techniques.

Common Issues and Solutions

Rex begonias, like any plants, can face their fair share of pests and diseases. Fortunately, with proactive care and some troubleshooting, many of these common issues can be easily resolved.

Pest Control

The major pest that can affect Rex Begonia plants is the mealybug. These small, cottony insects may appear at the joints between the leaf and stem or stem and rhizome. To control mealybugs, dip a cotton swab in rubbing alcohol and apply it directly to the affected areas. Alternatively, consider introducing predatory insects like ladybugs or lacewings that feed on mealybugs.

Disease Management

Two of the most common diseases that can impact Rex Begonia diseases are botrytis and powdery mildew. Botrytis appears as gray, fuzzy spores on the leaves, while powdery mildew is characterized by a white, powdery growth. Quickly removing any dead or diseased leaves and ensuring good air circulation around the plant can help prevent these fungal issues. In severe cases, a systemic fungicide may be necessary.

Troubleshooting Leaf Problems

Wilting, soft, or crisp leaves on the edges of Rex Begonia plants can indicate a variety of issues, such as over or underwatering, low humidity, or inadequate light levels. By carefully observing the plant’s symptoms and adjusting the growing conditions accordingly, many Rex Begonia leaf problems can be resolved. Ensure the soil is consistently moist but well-draining, provide bright, indirect light, and maintain a humidity level of at least 50% for optimal foliage health.


Rex begonias are spectacular houseplants known for their vibrant, variegated foliage. With the right growing conditions – bright, indirect light; consistent moisture; and moderate temperatures and humidity – these rhizomatous perennials can thrive indoors or in containers. By following best practices for Rex Begonia care, watering, fertilizing, propagation, and pest/disease management, you can enjoy the stunning visual appeal of rex begonias in your home or garden.

Whether you’re a seasoned plant parent or new to Rex Begonia growing, this comprehensive guide provides the information you need to cultivate lush, healthy rex begonia plants with ease. With their diverse array of colors, shapes, and textures, rex begonias make a captivating addition to any indoor or outdoor living space.

In summary, the Rex Begonia summary is that these remarkable plants offer a unique and eye-catching foliage experience, making them a must-have for any plant enthusiast. By understanding their specific needs and caring for them properly, you can ensure your rex begonias thrive and provide years of vibrant, lush growth in your home or garden.


What are the key characteristics of Rex Begonias?

Rex Begonias are admired for their fabulous foliage, offering a wide range of colors, textures, and shapes. Their leaves can vary in form – from hearts, to seashell swirls, to ivy-like forms, and more. They are marked by dramatic colors, often a mix of green, pink, or burgundy, and can include metallic shades of grayish silver.

Where do Rex Begonias originate from?

Rex Begonias originate from the tropical and subtropical regions of India. Begonia rex is the parent of the large group of hybrids that fall under the begonia rex-cultorum group.

What are the ideal growing conditions for Rex Begonias?

Rex Begonias do well in bright, indirect light, but can tolerate partial shade. They require a temperature range of 60°F–80°F, with an optimum day temperature of 72°F–80°F and 60°F–65°F at night. They prefer a very humid environment, requiring 50% or higher humidity for healthy growth.

How should Rex Begonias be watered and fertilized?

Rex Begonias prefer a consistently moist but well-drained soil. They should be watered weekly, allowing the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Overwatering can easily cause root rot. Rex Begonias should be fertilized every month with a balanced, foliage-focused fertilizer, such as a 15-15-15 or 7-9-5 formula at 100–150 ppm nitrogen.

How can Rex Begonias be propagated?

Rex Begonias can be propagated through several methods: dividing rhizomes, taking leaf cuttings, and taking stem cuttings. They have the unique ability to regenerate from any plant part, making propagation highly successful.

What are some common pests and diseases that affect Rex Begonias?

The major pests that can affect Rex Begonias are mealybugs. Common diseases include botrytis and powdery mildew. Wilting, softness, or crispness at the leaf edges can be caused by over or underwatering, low humidity, or inadequate light.