Welcome to our guide on false aralia plant care. Looking for a lovely houseplant with unique leaves? The false aralia is your go-to (Plerandra elegantissima). It’s an excellent choice for everyone, whether you have many plants or not. We will share key tips to ensure your false aralia looks its best indoors.

Key Takeaways:

  • False aralia is a popular houseplant with beautifully textured foliage.
  • It prefers partial sun exposure, moist soil, and humidity levels of at least 50 percent.
  • False aralia can be grown both indoors and outdoors, depending on your climate.
  • Propagation is possible through stem cuttings.
  • Proper light, temperature, watering, and pruning are essential for the plant’s health and longevity.

False Aralia Plant Features and Varieties

The False Aralia plant is also known as Plerandra elegantissima. It has slim, feather-like leaves that look graceful. It can grow up to 6 feet tall and 2-3 feet wide. This makes it stand out in any home or garden.

This plant belongs to the Araliaceae family. It blooms green flowers in the summer and fall, making it even more beautiful. There are many kinds of False Aralia plants, each with its own special look.

Variety Description
‘Galaxy’ Features shiny, dark green leaves, creating a captivating contrast against the foliage of other plants.
‘Variegated Galaxy’ Boasts dark green leaflets edged in gold, adding a touch of elegance and sophistication.
‘Gold Crest’ Displays feathery, light green leaves, gracefully adorned with delicate gold edges.
‘Olympia’ Exhibits dark green leaves with enchanting shades of red and violet, providing a visually captivating display.

These unique False Aralia varieties let you pick the perfect one for you. Choose from ‘Galaxy’, ‘Variegated Galaxy’, ‘Gold Crest’, or ‘Olympia’. Each one will add magnificence to your living spaces.

About Plerandra Elegantissima

Plerandra elegantissima, known as the False Aralia plant, has thin, feather-like leaves. It includes popular varieties like ‘Galaxy’, ‘Variegated Galaxy’, ‘Gold Crest’, and ‘Olympia’.

Light and Temperature Requirements for False Aralia

False Aralia plants need the right light and temperature. This is key for their health. It needs bright but indirect light and stays best in a warm setting.

Light Requirements

Place your False Aralia where it can get bright but not direct sunlight. Use a sheer curtain to soften the light. This protects the leaves from getting damaged. With proper light, your plant will grow well.

Never put your False Aralia in direct sunlight. It will not do well in it. Direct sunlight can harm its leaves, so keep it in indirect light.

Temperature Range

Keep your plant between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the best range for it. It can handle short cold times, but not long ones.

Staying in the right temperature keeps the plant healthy. It does not like being cold. Protect it from chilly drafts and big temperature changes.

Cold weather is hard on False Aralia. Remember, too much cold can hurt your plant. Try to keep it from getting too cold.

Summary Table: Light and Temperature Requirements for False Aralia

Light Requirements Temperature Range
Bright, indirect light near a window with a sheer curtain 65-85 degrees Fahrenheit
Direct sunlight should be avoided Brief dips to 45 degrees are tolerable, prolonged exposure below 60 degrees can be detrimental

Watering and Humidity Needs of False Aralia

Getting watering and humidity right is key for a healthy False Aralia. Knowing what your plant needs will make it easier to keep it happy.

Watering False Aralia

False Aralia likes soil that’s damp but not soggy. Check the top soil – if it’s dry 1 to 2 inches down, then water. Don’t let it sit in water, as that can harm the roots. Water until it drips out the bottom of the pot.

It’s a balancing act with water. Too much will hurt the roots, but too little dries it out. Let the top layer of soil dry before the next watering. This helps keep moisture right for the plant.

Plants vary in how much water they need. Temperature, humidity, and pot size all play a role. Watch your False Aralia to see how often it needs water to avoid overdoing it.

Humidity Requirements

False Aralia thrives with humidity above 50 percent. Here are a few ways to up the moisture:

  1. Misting: Spritz your False Aralia plant often. It makes the air humid, just like its native home.
  2. Pebble Tray: Set your plant’s pot on a tray with water and stones. Evaporation helps increase the air’s moisture, but keep the pot above the water.

Give your plant enough humidity to keep its leaves vibrant and healthy.

Watering Tips for False Aralia Humidity Tips for False Aralia
Check the top 1 to 2 inches of soil for dryness before watering. Mist the plant regularly to increase humidity around the foliage.
Water thoroughly until the excess drains from the bottom of the pot. Place the pot on a tray with pebbles and water to create humidity.
Avoid overwatering to prevent root rot. Monitor humidity levels and maintain a minimum of 50 percent.

Soil and Fertilizer Requirements for False Aralia

The right soil is key for False Aralia’s health. This plant likes slightly acid to neutral soil. It does best in a peat-based mix that drains well. This prevents root damage from too much water.

False Aralia also needs proper feeding to stay healthy and beautiful. It doesn’t need a lot of food, but a houseplant fertilizer helps during growth seasons. Use a balanced one with equal N, P, and K. This supports good growth.

Adding worm castings can help a lot. They give the plant an organic boost of minerals and trace elements. This boost makes the plant’s leaves and roots strong.

Focus on the right soil and nutrients, and your False Aralia will flourish. It will stay robust and bright.

Pruning and Propagation of False Aralia

Pruning is key for false aralia health. It keeps its shape and removes bad parts. Do this to stop harm early.

For false aralia, trim specific spots gently. Always use clean, sharp shears. Get rid of dead or yellow leaves for health. Prune branches that touch or cross each other.

Tip: Prune this plant in spring or early summer for quick recovery.

Propagating false aralia is easy and cheap. It lets you spread this plant’s beauty.

The best way to grow more is by using stem cuttings. Here’s a simple guide:

  1. Pick a healthy stem.
  2. Use clean shears to cut a 4-6 inch piece under a leaf node.
  3. Take off bottom leaves to show nodes.
  4. Dip the end in rooting hormone powder for roots.
  5. Plant in good soil mix.
  6. Keep soil just moist, not too wet.
  7. Put it in a warm, humid place with light.
  8. Wait for roots, which can take a few weeks.
  9. Then, move it slowly to its best growing conditions.

Nurturing the Cutting

For rooting, keep the air moist. Use a plastic bag or tray to lock in humidity like a greenhouse.

Also, give it light but not direct sun. Direct sun can harm the fragile leaves.

Avoid Overwatering

Too much water can cause the roots to rot. So, do not water too often. Check the soil moisture with your finger. If it’s dry, water it. If it’s still damp, wait before watering again.

With care and time, your plant will grow strong. Enjoy growing your false aralia collection.

Common Issues and Troubleshooting for False Aralia

False aralia is simple to care for, but it faces some troubles. It’s key to spot and fix these issues fast for the plant’s well-being. Read on for problems you might see with your false aralia and how to troubleshoot.

Pest Infestations

False aralia can fall victim to pests like spider mites, scale, aphids, or mealybugs. They munch on the leaves, leading to slow growth, yellow leaves, and overall bad health. Using insecticidal soap or neem oil can combat these bugs. Always follow the guide on the product you choose.

Root Rot

Overwatering often causes root rot in false aralia. The roots get too much water and decay. To avoid this, let the top 1 to 2 inches of soil dry before watering again. Your pot should have holes for water to drain. If root rot appears, replant in new soil and cut off rotted roots.

Leaf Discoloration

Yellow leaves signal overwatering. Change your watering habits and let the soil dry a bit more. Black or brown leaves mean the plant gets too much light. Move it to a shadier place or shield it from direct sunlight.

Proper Temperature and Humidity

False aralia likes temperatures between 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. Cold below 60 degrees can make leaves fall, harming the plant. Also, it needs at least 50 percent humidity. In dry places, use a humidifier or a water-filled tray with pebbles under the plant.

Common Issues Troubleshooting Tips
Pest infestations Use insecticidal soap or neem oil to control pests
Root rot Allow soil to dry between waterings and provide proper drainage
Leaf discoloration Adjust watering routine and provide appropriate light levels
Temperature and humidity Maintain proper temperature range and humidity levels


False aralia is a stunning houseplant. Its textured leaves bring elegance indoors. It’s great for anyone, whether you’re new to plants or an expert. Just give it the right light, temperature, water, and humidity.

Keeping it pruned is key to its beauty. Trim any damaged parts to make it look better and grow well. It’s also easy to make more plants by cutting and planting its stems.

Sometimes, false aralia can have bugs or root problems. But, you can fix these by taking care of it well. Watch it, keep pests away, and ensure the right home conditions. This keeps your plant happy.

With the right care, your false aralia will be a lively, lovely part of your home. Its unique leaves and simple care make it a top houseplant choice. It really brightens up any room.


How tall can a False Aralia plant grow?

False Aralia plants may reach up to 6 feet in height.

What is the ideal temperature range for False Aralia?

The best temperatures for False Aralia are between 65 and 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

How should False Aralia be watered?

Keep the soil moist not soggy. Let the top 1 to 2 inches of soil dry before watering more.

What is the preferred humidity level for False Aralia?

For False Aralia to do well, the air needs to be at least 50 percent humid.

What type of soil does False Aralia prefer?

False Aralia likes slightly acidic to neutral soil. It grows best in well-draining, peat-based mix.

How can False Aralia be propagated?

You can make more False Aralia plants from cuttings of their stems.

What are some common issues faced by False Aralia plants?

False Aralia often deals with pests like spider mites and mealybugs. They can also get sick from root rot.This plant may show problems with its leaves too, like discoloration.

How can common issues with False Aralia be addressed?

Fixing False Aralia’s issues means using the right care steps. Try insecticidal soap or neem oil for pests.For issues like root rot, change how you water. Also, make sure it gets enough light and the right temperature.

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