Pet Friendly Plants: Keeping Pets Safe and Happy

Did you know over 700 plant species might be toxic to pets? It’s shocking for any pet lover who likes plants in their home. But, there’s hope! We’re going to show you the best pet friendly plants for your pets’ safety. Some non-toxic...
Pink Princess Plant Care Guide & Tips

Pink Princess Plant Care Guide & Tips

The pink princess philodendron, known as Philodendron erubescens ‘pink princess,’ is a top choice for many. It has bright, deep green leaves shaped like hearts. These leaves have stunning pink spots. Knowing the right care for this plant is key for its...
Mandevilla Plant Care Guide for Thriving Blooms

Mandevilla Plant Care Guide for Thriving Blooms

Mandevilla plants, known for their lush, trumpet-shaped flowers, are tropical vines that thrive with the right care. Although commonly grown outdoors, they can also make excellent houseplants if their tropical environment is mimicked indoors. This guide will explore...

Best Low-Light Houseplants for Dim Indoor Spaces

Did you know that 90% of homes in the U.S. lack enough natural light for plants to thrive? Despite this, you can turn your living area into a green paradise. You do this by picking the right low-light houseplants. Not every part of your home gets a lot of sunlight....

Devil’s Backbone Plant Care Guide

The Devil’s Backbone plant, scientifically known as Euphorbia tithymaloides (formerly Pedilanthus tithymaloides), is a striking and easy-to-care-for houseplant. Originating from the American tropics, this plant is appreciated for its unique zigzagging stems and...