The crown of thorns plant (Euphorbia milii) is a striking succulent with vibrant flower bracts and thorny stems. This plant is native to Madagascar and is a popular houseplant in North America, known for its easy maintenance needs. Crown of thorns plants are woody, succulent shrubs that can grow 3.0 to 6.0 feet tall outdoors and 1.5 to 3.0 feet wide. In Thailand, some people believe the number of flowers on a crown of thorns plant foretells the luck of the plant keeper. Hybrids of this plant bloom almost year-round and have been improved over the years to produce more and larger flowers than ever before.

Key Takeaways

  • The crown of thorns plant (Euphorbia milii) is a striking succulent with vibrant flower bracts and thorny stems.
  • This plant is native to Madagascar and is a popular houseplant in North America, known for its easy maintenance needs.
  • Crown of thorns plants are woody, succulent shrubs that can grow 3.0 to 6.0 feet tall outdoors and 1.5 to 3.0 feet wide.
  • In Thailand, some people believe the number of flowers on a crown of thorns plant foretells the luck of the plant keeper.
  • Hybrids of this plant bloom almost year-round and have been improved over the years to produce more and larger flowers than ever before.


Crown of thorns, also known as Euphorbia milii and Christ thorn plant or Christ plant, is a woody, succulent shrub native to Madagascar. The crown of thorns flower is a popular houseplant in North America, known for its clusters of pretty, colorful blooms and its easy maintenance needs.

In Thailand, some people say the number of flowers on a crown of thorns plant foretells the luck of the plant keeper. The plant has been improved over the years and now produces more and larger flowers than ever before. Hybrids of this plant bloom almost year-round.

What is a Crown of Thorns Plant?

The crown of thorns plant, or Euphorbia milii, is a unique and eye-catching succulent native to Madagascar. It is known for its vibrant flower bracts and thorny stems, making it a popular choice for both indoor and outdoor gardens.

Native to Madagascar

The crown of thorns plant is a woody, succulent shrub that is native to the island of Madagascar off the southeast coast of Africa. This unique plant has been cultivated and enjoyed around the world for its striking appearance and ease of care.

Popular Houseplant

In North America, the crown of thorns plant, or Euphorbia milii, is a widely popular houseplant. Its colorful blooms and low-maintenance nature make it a favorite among indoor plant enthusiasts.

Lighting Requirements

To thrive and produce their beautiful flowers, crown of thorns plants (Euphorbia milii) require full sun exposure. These succulents, native to Madagascar, need to be placed in a spot that receives at least four hours of bright, direct sunlight each day, whether they are grown indoors or outdoors. Bright, direct sunlight is essential for a crown of thorns plant to flourish and showcase its vibrant blooms.

Full Sun Exposure

Crown of thorns plants are accustomed to the intense, tropical sunlight of their native Madagascar. To replicate these conditions, position your crown of thorns plant by a window that provides full, unobstructed sun exposure. This bright, direct sunlight will ensure the plant’s optimal growth and flowering.

Bright, Direct Sunlight

Whether growing your crown of thorns (Euphorbia milii) indoors or outdoors, make sure it receives ample amounts of bright, direct sunlight. This crown of thorns plant care requirement is crucial for the plant to thrive and showcase its vibrant, showy bracts. Neglecting the euphorbia milii care need for bright, direct light can result in leggy, sparse growth and reduced flowering.

Watering and Soil Needs

Proper crown of thorns plant care relies on providing this houseplant with adequate sunlight and warmth, as well as the right watering schedule. To keep your euphorbia milii thriving, water the plant when the soil is dry to a depth of an inch (2.5 cm). During the winter months, let the soil dry out further, down to two or three inches (5.0 to 7.5 cm) before watering. Always water thoroughly, but be sure not to let the plant sit in standing water, as this can lead to root rot.

Well-Draining Soil

The potting soil for your crown of thorns must drain very well. For the best results, use a well-draining soil mix, such as a soilless mix or a cactus and succulent mix. These specialized mixes will ensure that the plant’s roots don’t become waterlogged, which can be detrimental to the plant’s health.

Watering Schedule

Stick to a consistent watering schedule for your euphorbia milii. Water the plant thoroughly, but allow the top inch or two of soil to dry out between waterings. In the winter, when the plant is less active, reduce the watering frequency and allow the soil to dry out more before watering again. By following this simple watering schedule, you can ensure your crown of thorns plant stays healthy and happy.

Temperature and Humidity

Crown of thorns (Euphorbia milii) is a great houseplant that thrives in dry indoor air. This succulent prefers dry conditions and needs good airflow. It can tolerate temperatures as low as 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 Celsius), but does best when kept between 60 to 75 degrees (15 to 24 Celsius).

Ideal Temperature Range

The crown of thorns plant is well-suited for homes and offices, as it doesn’t mind the lack of humidity prevalent during the winter months. Its low humidity tolerance makes it a hassle-free choice for euphorbia milii care.

Low Humidity Tolerance

Whether placed indoors or outdoors, the crown of thorns plant care should focus on providing the ideal temperature range and allowing for good air circulation to ensure this vibrant succulent thrives year-round.


To keep your crown of thorns plant (Euphorbia milii) thriving and encourage more prolific flowering, it’s important to provide regular fertilization during the growing season. Use a general liquid fertilizer every few weeks, diluting it by half during the winter months and applying it only once a month.

Providing the euphorbia milii with consistent fertilizing throughout the growing season will help it produce more vibrant, colorful blooms. This easy-care succulent responds well to a balanced, nutrient-rich feeding regimen that supports its overall health and flowering potential.

Crown of Thorns Plant Care

Grown outdoors, the crown of thorns plant (Euphorbia milii) is a small shrub. When grown as a houseplant, you can keep it smaller through careful pruning. Many hybrids grown today were bred to remain small and compact, so you likely do not need to prune often. Be aware that the sap can irritate the skin, so wear gloves and wash tools well after pruning.

You can successfully keep a crown of thorns in a smaller container to maintain a small size, and it will still produce flowers. Nonetheless, it’s a good idea to repot every few years to a slightly bigger container.

Pest and Disease Management

The crown of thorns plant (Euphorbia milii) is generally pest and disease-resistant, but can be susceptible to issues like mealybugs, spider mites, and fungal diseases if conditions are not right. Monitor the plant regularly for any signs of pest or disease problems and address them promptly to keep your crown of thorns thriving.

Propagation Methods

You can easily propagate crown of thorns plants through stem cuttings. Allow cut ends to dry and callus over for a few days before planting in well-draining soil. New plants can also be grown from seed, though this method is slower. With the right euphorbia milii care and propagation techniques, you can expand your collection of these unique and beautiful succulents.


The crown of thorns plant (Euphorbia milii) is a striking succulent with vibrant flower bracts and thorny stems that is native to Madagascar and a popular houseplant in North America. This comprehensive guide has covered all aspects of crown of thorns plant care, including lighting requirements, watering and soil needs, temperature and humidity preferences, fertilizing, pruning and repotting, pest and disease management, and propagation methods. By providing the right care, you can enjoy the beauty of this unique and easy-to-grow plant in your indoor or outdoor garden.

Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or a novice plant enthusiast, the Euphorbia milii or crown of thorns plant is a rewarding addition to any home or outdoor space. With its vibrant blooms and low-maintenance needs, this succulent is sure to bring a touch of Madagascar-inspired charm to your living environment. Follow the guidelines outlined in this article, and you’ll be well on your way to cultivating a thriving crown of thorns plant that will continue to delight you for years to come.

Embrace the captivating allure of the crown of thorns plant and elevate your gardening skills by mastering its care. With the right knowledge and dedication, you can unlock the full potential of this remarkable succulent and create a harmonious oasis within your own space.


What is a crown of thorns plant?

The crown of thorns plant (Euphorbia milii) is a striking succulent with vibrant flower bracts and thorny stems. It is native to Madagascar and is a popular houseplant in North America, known for its easy maintenance needs.

How big can a crown of thorns plant grow?

Crown of thorns plants are woody, succulent shrubs that can grow 3.0 to 6.0 feet tall outdoors and 1.5 to 3.0 feet wide.

What is the significance of the number of flowers on a crown of thorns plant in Thailand?

In Thailand, some people believe the number of flowers on a crown of thorns plant foretells the luck of the plant keeper.

How have crown of thorns plants been improved over the years?

Hybrids of this plant bloom almost year-round and have been improved over the years to produce more and larger flowers than ever before.

What are the lighting requirements for a crown of thorns plant?

Crown of thorns plants need full sun exposure for optimal growth and flowering. Bright, direct sunlight is essential for this plant to thrive indoors or outdoors.

How should I water a crown of thorns plant?

Water crown of thorns plants when the soil is dry to a depth of an inch (2.5 cm). In winter, let the soil dry out down to two or three inches (5.0 to 7.5 cm). Water thoroughly, but don’t let the plant sit in standing water.

What type of soil is best for a crown of thorns plant?

Potting soil for crown of thorns must drain very well. For the best results, use a soilless mix or a cactus and succulent mix.

What are the temperature and humidity preferences for a crown of thorns plant?

Crown of thorns plants can tolerate temperatures down to 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 Celsius) but do best from 60 to 75 degrees (15 to 24 Celsius). They also don’t mind the lack of humidity prevalent in most homes during the winter.

How should I fertilize a crown of thorns plant?

Use a general liquid fertilizer every few weeks during the growing season. Dilute the fertilizer by half for winter and apply only every month.

How can I maintain the size of a crown of thorns plant?

When grown as a houseplant, you can keep a crown of thorns plant smaller through careful pruning. Many hybrids grown today were bred to remain small and compact, so you likely do not need to prune often. You can also successfully keep a crown of thorns in a smaller container to maintain a small size, and it will still produce flowers.