Welcome to our Callisia Fragrans plant care guide! Are you a houseplant fan looking for an easy, lush plant for your space? Then, the Callisia Fragrans is your new best friend. Known as the basket plant, it’s stunning and perfect for beginners. We’ll share all you need to know to keep your Callisia Fragrans healthy and happy.

callisia fragrans plant care

Key Takeaways:

  • Callisia Fragrans, also known as the basket plant, is a popular and easy-to-care-for subtropical houseplant.
  • It thrives in bright, indirect light and prefers to be placed less than 3 feet from a south-facing window.
  • Water your Callisia Fragrans every 9 days, with 0.5 cups of water, when it doesn’t receive direct sunlight and is potted in a 5″ pot.
  • The plant does not require additional humidity and prefers well-draining soil.
  • Propagate your Callisia Fragrans through stem cuttings to expand your collection or share with friends.

Watering Callisia Fragrans

Watering your Callisia Fragrans plant the right way is key for its health and growth. This guide shares tips on how to water it and keep it happy.

This plant does best when its soil gets the chance to dry out a bit. You should water it enough but not too much to avoid issues like root rot. A little less water than you think it needs is better than too much.

For the best results, give your Callisia Fragrans a drink every 9 days. Use about 0.5 cups if it’s in the shade and in a 5″ pot. This amount is just right to keep it from getting too wet.

How often you water also depends on your home’s conditions. Think about how hot it is, how much light it gets, and how humid the air is. You might want to use a tool to help you figure out the perfect watering plan for your plant.

Always check the soil before watering. Stick your finger in about an inch. If the soil is dry, go ahead and water. If it’s still a bit wet, hold off for a few more days.

Proper watering is crucial for the well-being of your Callisia Fragrans plant. Balancing moisture levels and avoiding overwatering will help prevent root rot and keep your plant healthy and thriving.

Light Requirements for Callisia Fragrans

Callisia Fragrans, also known as the basket plant, loves lots of sunlight. Adequate light is key for good health and to stop leaf drop. Put it close to a south-facing window, about three feet away, for best results.

It can handle some direct light, but be careful of too much. Intense or long sun exposure can hurt its leaves. Think about the weather where you live when deciding where to put your plant.

Protecting Your Callisia Fragrans from Sunlight

If your Callisia Fragrans has leaf burn or changes color, it might be getting too much sun. In this case, move it a bit from the window or add some shade. This way, it gets indirect light, which is better.

Also, turning your plant a little bit every few weeks helps it grow evenly. This stops it from leaning or reaching towards a light source.

Optimal Lighting Conditions for Callisia Fragrans

Bright, indirect light works best for Callisia Fragrans. You can achieve this by putting it near a window but with a sheer curtain in between. A well-lit room with a lot of natural light is also good.

But, if you’re short on natural light, you can use special lights made for plants. Just keep in mind that every plant is different. Watch how yours reacts to light and change things as needed for its health.

Summary of Light Needs for Callisia Fragrans

To sum up, Callisia Fragrans needs:

  • Lots of sunlight to grow well
  • A spot within three feet of a window that faces south
  • Can take some direct sun, but watch out for too much
  • Avoid strong and long sun rays to prevent leaf damage
  • Bright, but not direct, light for the best growth

By giving it the right light, your Callisia Fragrans will be healthy and look great.

Soil and Fertilizer for Callisia Fragrans

It’s important to have the right soil for your Callisia Fragrans plant to grow well. This plant likes soil that drains easily. You can mix regular potting soil with perlite for good drainage. Make sure the soil has coco coir and perlite or vermiculite too.

Adding the right food through fertilizing keeps your plant healthy. Fertilize it either after it gets bigger, or at least once a year. Use a plant feed made for flowering plants if you need extra help.

Don’t give too much food though. Too much fertilizer can make your plant grow too much. This isn’t good for its health. Always follow the directions on the fertilizer pack. This helps keep your plant safe and happy.

Keep an eye on how wet the soil is. Only water your plant when the top part of the soil is dry. If you get the soil and food right, your Callisia Fragrans will grow well for a long time.


Callisia Fragrans, also known as the basket plant, loves bright, indirect light and dry soil. Water it often but let the soil dry between drinks. To keep it happy, put it near a south-facing window but not under direct sun.

To help it grow big, fertilize it after it grows a lot or once a year. If you want more plants, try making new ones from its stems. This plant is easy to grow if you give it the right care.

In short, caring for a Callisia Fragrans is easy. Just water it regularly and keep it near a sunny window. It will reward you with its pretty look in your home.


How often should I water my Callisia Fragrans plant?

Callisia Fragrans likes its soil to dry between waterings. It needs water about every 9 days. Water it when the top soil is dry. For plants not in direct sunlight in a 5″ pot, use 0.5 cups.

What is the best location for my Callisia Fragrans plant?

Callisia Fragrans loves bright, but indirect light. It’s best placed within 3 feet of a south-facing window. Make sure it doesn’t get direct sunlight to prevent leaf burns.

What type of soil and fertilizer should I use for my Callisia Fragrans plant?

For soil, use a mix that drains well. Add organic matter like coco coir, and perlite or vermiculite. Many use potting soil with perlite. Fertilize it when it doubles in size or yearly with a balanced fertilizer. Be careful not to over-fertilize as too much might cause too many leaves.

How do I propagate Callisia Fragrans?

To make more plants, use stem cuttings. Pick a healthy stem and put it in a good soil mix. Keep the soil moist until new roots and plants start to grow.

Can I grow Callisia Fragrans outdoors?

Yes, it can be grown outside in Zones 9-11. It likes a subtropical climate. Keep it from very cold or hot temperatures and it should grow well outside.

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