Peace lilies are beloved indoor plants with white flowers and green leaves. Keeping your peace lily in good shape involves understanding its needs. This guide covers everything from planting and repotting to watering, lighting, fertilizing, and more. It’s great for both experienced and new plant parents. You’ll learn how to make your peace lily really flourish.

Key Takeaways

  • Peace lilies are a popular indoor plant known for their white flowers and lush foliage.
  • Proper watering, lighting, and humidity are essential for keeping a peace lily healthy and blooming.
  • Fertilizing and pruning can help encourage new growth and flower production.
  • Peace lilies are mildly toxic to pets, so they should be kept out of reach.
  • With the right care, a peace lily can thrive for years and purify the air in your home.

Introduction to Peace Lilies

Peace lilies come from the rainforests of Central and South America. They are tropical plants with shiny, green leaves. Their bloom looks like a white flag.

About Peace Lilies

Peace lilies are not really lilies. They are from the Arum family. Their green leaves are shiny. They have unique white blooms that look like flags.

Are Peace Lilies Easy to Care For?

Peace lilies are easy to take care of. They are loved by both experts and beginners. They can survive low light and not being watered often.

But, they need the right amount of water, light, and humidity to flower. This balance keeps them healthy.

Is the Peace Lily Toxic to Pets?

Yes, peace lilies can be harmful to pets like cats and dogs. If animals eat them, it can hurt their mouth and stomach. It’s best to keep these plants away from pets and kids.

Planting and Repotting Peace Lilies

When you’re planting or repotting a peace lily, pick a pot slightly bigger than its roots. Peace lilies like being a bit snug in their pots. For the soil, choose one that drains well and is peat-based.

Plant your peace lily at the level it was in its previous pot. After repotting, water it well. Let the soil get a bit dry between waterings. Remember to give it a new pot with fresh soil every 2-3 years in the spring.

Can Peace Lilies be Grown in Water?

Yes, peace lilies thrive with only their roots in water. This approach is great because it lowers the need for constant watering and changing of pots. Ensure the plant sits above the water by using a special insert in the vase or adding pebbles.

This way, the roots can drink up the water while the plant’s bottom stays dry. This setup helps avoid root rot, keeping your peace lily healthy.

Peace Lily Light, Water, and Temperature Requirements

Peace lilies do best in bright, indirect light. An east-facing window works great for them. Direct sunlight can harm their leaves, leading to wilting. If they’re not getting enough light, they might not flower.

Watering Guidelines

They don’t like too much or too little water. Just water them when the top couple inches of soil are dry. But, water before the leaves start to droop. Also, they prefer filtered water to avoid damage from tap water’s chemicals. And, never let your peace lily sit in water to prevent root rot.

Ideal Temperature Range

Peace lilies love warm and humid places, like where they come from. For them, the best temperatures are from 65°F to 75°F during the day. At night, slightly cooler from 55°F to 65°F is ideal. Keep them away from cold drafts and heaters to keep their leaves from wilting.

Fertilizing and Pruning Peace Lily Plants

Peace lilies don’t eat much but need a little feed now and then, especially when growing. Use a balanced liquid fertilizer, but make it weak, every 6-8 weeks in spring and summer. Don’t use too much. Too many nutrients might make more leaves but fewer flowers. In the cold months, you can lay off on the feeding because the plants slow down.

Peace Lily plant care

Encouraging Blooms

To get your peace lily to flower, ensure it gets enough bright but indirect light. Low light can stop it from blooming. Remember, it needs the right water and plant food. If yours isn’t blooming, try a brighter spot or changing your care.

Popular Varieties

The Spathiphyllum wallisii is the main type you’ll find. But, there are other cool ones to look at:

  • Petite: A small type, it only grows 8-10 inches high.
  • Sensation: The biggest kind, it can get to be 4-6 feet tall and wide.
  • Domino: A middle-sized type with cool colored leaves.
  • Mojo Lime: Another middle-sized one with green leaves that are almost neon.


Peace lilies are a stunning, low-maintenance plant for any home. They have lush green foliage and lovely white flowers. To keep them thriving, understand their care needs well. They need the right amount of light, water, and humidity. Also, be aware they may harm pets if eaten.

Taking care of your peace lily brings beautiful blooms. It also helps clean the air in your home. This guide gives you the info you need, whether you’re new to plant care or experienced. Now, you can enjoy a vibrant peace lily in your space.

This guide shows you how to care for and enjoy your peace lily for a long time. It’s about finding joy in growing this tough, beautiful plant. Make it a special part of your indoor garden to enjoy its beauty year-round.


Are peace lilies easy to care for?

Yes, peace lilies are known for being easy to care for. They’re a favorite among both new and seasoned plant owners. They do well in various light conditions and can go without water for a while.

Are peace lilies toxic to pets?

Peace lilies can be harmful to pets, like cats and dogs. They contain a substance that may irritate the mouth and stomach if eaten. To keep pets safe, place peace lilies out of their reach.

How do I plant and repot a peace lily?

When planting or repotting, use a slightly bigger pot than the root ball. A well-draining, peat-based mix is best. Keep the plant at its previous depth. After repotting, water it well.Let the soil dry a bit between waterings. Every 2-3 years, in the spring, it’s good to repot them. This helps them stay healthy and grow.

Can peace lilies be grown hydroponically?

Yes, you can grow peace lilies without soil, in water. This can make caring for them easier. Just make sure the leaves don’t touch the water to avoid damage.

What are the lighting requirements for a peace lily?

Peace lilies like bright, indirect light. An east-facing window is perfect. Don’t put them in the sun directly. Too little light means fewer blooms.

How should I water a peace lily?

Watch how much you water your peace lily. Wait until the soil is a bit dry on top. Use filtered or distilled water. Never let it sit in water.

What temperature range do peace lilies prefer?

Peace lilies enjoy warm, humid spots. Daytime temperatures of 65°F to 75°F are best. They like it a bit cooler at night. Avoid cold air and direct heat.

How do I fertilize a peace lily?

Peace lilies do well with a bit of food now and then. Use a balanced fertilizer at half strength every 6-8 weeks in spring and summer. Stop feeding them in the fall and winter.

How can I encourage my peace lily to flower?

Give your peace lily good light to help it bloom. Also, water and fertilize it the right way to keep it healthy. If it’s not flowering, try more light or better care.

What are some popular peace lily varieties?

The Spathiphyllum wallisii is a common type, but there are others to explore:– ‘Petite’: A small, compact variety, growing to 8-10 inches tall.– ‘Sensation’: The biggest peace lily, up to 4-6 feet tall and wide.– ‘Domino’: A mid-size peace lily with pretty variegated leaves.– ‘Mojo Lime’: A lime-green, medium-sized peace lily.