Baby’s tears, or Soleirolia soleirolii, is in the nettle family. It has tiny, round leaves on short stems. Despite its fragile look, this plant is tough and loved by many.

To help your plant grow well, proper care is essential. We will cover everything you need to know. This includes soil and light requirements, how to propagate and prune, and more. With our guidance, your baby tears plant will flourish.

Key Takeaways:

  • Provide moist, well-drained soil and partial shade for optimal growth.
  • Water generously during the spring and summer, avoiding waterlogged conditions.
  • Fertilize with a balanced liquid fertilizer every two weeks during the growing season.
  • Place your baby tears plant in bright, filtered light, avoiding intense direct sunlight.
  • Maintain a temperature range between 50 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit, avoiding freezing temperatures.

Basic Care for Baby Tears Plants

Keep your baby tears plants looking great with some simple care tips. These include the right amount of water and proper light. Let’s dive into how you can help your plants grow well.


Baby tears plants need the right amount of water to stay healthy. It’s best to water them when the soil is almost dry. But, make sure not to let them stand in water. Too much water can harm the roots. So, keep the soil just moist, not soggy.

Light Requirements

These plants do well in areas that are not too bright. Too much direct sunlight is not good for them. A spot with bright, but indirect light is perfect. Baby tears plants can grow indoors under lights or in rooms without a lot of natural light.


Baby tears plants like high humidity, around 75% or more. If you keep them indoors, you can make the air more humid. You can do this by putting them in a room with steam, using a humidifier, or gently spraying the leaves with water.

Protection from Extreme Conditions

These plants don’t like dry air or too much sun. If your home is very dry, or you live where it’s hot outside, you may need to help. Try to keep your plants in shadier spots or use a humidifier. This helps them stay healthy and happy.

Note: Baby tears plants can’t take the cold. If it gets frosty where you live, move them indoors before winter starts.

Aspect Requirements
Soil Moist, well-drained soil
Light Partial to full shade, avoid harsh direct sunlight
Watering Keep soil moist, but avoid waterlogged conditions
Humidity At least 75% humidity

Soil and Fertilizer for Baby Tears Plants

One big part of taking care of baby tears plants is giving them the right soil and food. These plants need soil like their natural home. It should be rich and damp.

Baby tears plants love having organic stuff in their soil. Things like humus, compost, or manure are great. They make the soil better for growing and help it hold water, which keeps the roots healthy.

If you’re growing these plants inside or in pots, use special indoor plant soil. This soil has everything they need. It helps with structure, lets water flow well, and has the right nutrients.

Keeping your baby tears plants fed is important. A balanced liquid food every two weeks in spring and summer works well. It keeps the leaves bright green and thick. This makes a full, green carpet look.

Fertilizing every two weeks while they grow keeps baby tears plants looking good.

Always check what the fertilizer packaging says. Use the right amount for your plant. Too much food can hurt the roots and stop the plant from growing well.

Soil and Fertilizer Tips for Baby Tears Plants:

  • Choose a rich, moist loam soil for your baby tears plants
  • Add organic matter like humus, compost, or manure to improve fertility and moisture retention
  • Opt for commercial potting soil for indoor and container gardening
  • Fertilize every two weeks during the spring and summer with a balanced liquid fertilizer
  • Follow the fertilizer instructions carefully and avoid over-fertilization

Good soil and feeding them right means your baby tears plants will do well. They’ll add a pretty, soft look to your home or garden. Enjoy their beauty!

Light and Temperature Requirements for Baby Tears Plants

Baby tears plants need the right light and temperature to stay healthy. Knowing what they need helps your plant grow strong.

Light Requirements

These plants like bright, filtered light. They can handle some sun. But, too much direct light can burn their leaves. Find a spot that’s not too bright.

“Baby tears plants look their best in lower-light conditions, where their delicate foliage truly shines.”

If they’re inside, put them by a window with filtered sun. Don’t let them sit in direct sun during the afternoon. Yellow or brown leaves mean they’re getting too much light.

Outdoors, pick a spot with some shade. This protects them from the sun’s strong rays.

Temperature Requirements

These plants like it between 50 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit. They won’t survive freezing cold. Move them inside if it’s going to get too cold.

“Providing the right temperature range is essential for the overall health and longevity of your baby tears plant.”

In cold places, you might need to bring them indoors for the winter. This helps them live longer.

Inside, keep them away from drafts and vents. Big changes in temperature can hurt your plant.

Give your baby tears plant the right light and warmth. You’ll see it grow beautifully with proper care.

Light Requirements Temperature Requirements
Bright, filtered light 50-70 degrees Fahrenheit (10-21 degrees Celsius)
Avoid intense direct sunlight Avoid freezing temperatures
Indoor: near a window with filtered sunlight or artificial lights Outdoor: select partial shade or dappled sunlight
Avoid drafts and extreme temperature fluctuations

Propagation and Pruning of Baby Tears Plants

Baby tears plants are loved by many for their easy growth. They are great for both indoor and outdoor spaces. If you wish to grow more or share, you can easily do so through propagation. Regular pruning helps them stay healthy and in good shape. We will learn how to do this and why it’s important.

Propagation via Division

Division is an easy way to make more plants. You just separate a section from the main plant and replant it. Here’s a simple guide:

  1. Use a trowel to dig around the plant’s base.
  2. Lift the plant carefully to see its roots.
  3. Find parts with tiny white roots to separate.
  4. Use a sharp tool to cut a piece with roots from the main plant.
  5. Plant this piece in moist soil. Make sure roots are inside and leaves are out.
  6. Water it well and put it where it gets light but not direct sun.

Propagation via Stem Cutting

Stem cutting is also great for growing new baby tears plants. Here’s how:

  1. Pick a stem that’s healthy and at least 2 inches long.
  2. Cut it just below a leaf set with clean scissors or shears.
  3. Take off bottom leaves, leaving only a few at the top.
  4. Dip the cut end in rooting hormone to help it grow roots.
  5. Plant it in moist soil, leaving one inch of the stem below.
  6. Put a plastic wrap over it to keep the air humid.
  7. Put it in a warm spot with light, but not direct sun.
  8. Spray it with water to keep it moist under the plastic.
  9. After a few weeks, when roots are grown, take off the wrap and care for it normally.

Both ways, division and cutting, are good for making new plants. They let you grow your collection or share with friends.

The Importance of Pruning

Pruning is key to keeping baby tears plants looking good. It stops them from getting too long and encourages new growth. Here are some tips:

  • Always trim yellow or damaged leaves to help your plant look neat.
  • Cut back long stems to make a bushier plant and stop it from getting too leggy.
  • Trim the plant when it’s too big or has finished blooming to keep it full and pretty.
  • Make sure to use sharp and clean scissors to prune without harming the plant.

Using both propagation and pruning, you can enjoy many beautiful baby tears plants. They bring a lovely carpet of green to your space.

Growing Baby Tears Plants in Containers

Baby tears plants, or Soleirolia soleirolii, are great for containers. They brighten up your indoor areas or outdoor spaces. Plus, they love growing in a pot.

Choose a wide, shallow pot with holes for drainage. This setup lets the plant spread out and avoid too much water. Make sure to use a mix that keeps moisture but still breathes.

When moving your plant to a new pot, be gentle with it. Lift the plant carefully, checking the roots. Make sure they are healthy and free of damage.

Place your plant in the new potting mix and cover the roots well. Don’t press the soil too hard, though. Water it well after planting it to help it adjust.

One big plus of container growing is controlling the plant’s spread. This is key where baby tears might take over if not kept in check. So, you can enjoy their beauty without the worry.

Containers let you move your plant around. Use them inside to brighten your space. Or mix them with other plants in outdoor displays.

Tips for Growing Baby Tears Plants in Containers:

  • Choose a wide, shallow pot with drainage holes.
  • Handle the delicate stems with care during repotting.
  • Use a breathable potting mix that retains moisture.
  • Ensure the roots are well-covered with soil.
  • Water the plant thoroughly after repotting.
  • Monitor the plant’s growth and prune as needed to maintain its shape.

With the right care, your baby tears plant will do well in a pot. It will bring beauty to your home.

Common Problems and Solutions for Baby Tears Plants

Baby tears plants don’t usually have many problems with pests and diseases. Still, there are some issues to watch for. Knowing these issues’ causes and how to fix them will keep your plant healthy and happy.


Grow them inside, and your baby tears plants might attract pests like aphids, mites, and mealybugs. These tiny bugs can mess up the leaves and slow down your plant’s growth. Luckily, there are steps to prevent or deal with them:

  • Look at your baby tears plant often for pests. Watch out for small bugs, webbing, or sticky stuff on the leaves.
  • If you find any pests, move that plant away. This stops the bugs from spreading to other plants.
  • Get rid of the pests by washing the plant gently with soapy water. Or, you can use special organic bug control sprays.

Dealing with pests quickly keeps your baby tears plant looking its best.

Root Rot

Too much water can cause baby tears plants to get root rot. You’ll see the leaves turning black and the plant will smell bad. To avoid and fix root rot:

  • Make sure the soil drains well. Baby tears like moist but not soggy soil.
  • Let the top layer of soil dry before you water again. This keeps the soil from getting too wet.
  • If you think there’s root rot, check the roots. Cut off any parts that look black or mushy.
  • Put the plant in new, well-draining soil. Change how you water to stop more root rot.

Check your plant often, water it right, and use the best soil to prevent root rot. These steps will keep your baby tears plant thriving.

Problem Solution
Pest infestation (aphids, mites, mealybugs) – Regularly inspect for pests – Isolate affected plants – Wash with mild soap and water or use organic pest control
Root rot – Ensure well-draining soil – Allow soil to dry between waterings – Trim away rotten roots – Repot in well-draining soil

By knowing and fixing these issues, your baby tears plant will be a lovely addition to your home or garden.


Caring for baby tears plants is both rewarding and easy. By using some care tips, you keep these plants healthy and full of life.

Proper water is vital for baby tears. The soil should be moist but not soaked. The right light, temperature, and humidity are also key for their growth.

Growing new plants from baby tears is fun. You can make more plants by splitting them or taking cuttings. This lets you share their beauty with others, perfect for any space.

These plants, with some love, will grow beautifully. They will bring a fresh look and charm to your inside or outside areas.


What is a baby tears plant?

A baby tears plant is a small, delicate plant. It has tiny, round leaves. Those leaves almost look like beans sprinkled on the ground.

What are the basic care requirements for baby tears plants?

Baby tears plants need a lot of moisture. They also like some shade. Being watered often helps, but avoid making the soil too wet.They enjoy places with high humidity, around 75% or more.

What type of soil and fertilizer should I use for baby tears plants?

Plant them in rich, damp soil. Adding organic material, like compost, is good. For potted baby tears, use commercial soil. Give them a liquid fertilizer every two weeks in spring and summer.

What are the light and temperature requirements for baby tears plants?

They like light but not direct sun. Direct heat can harm them. They thrive in temps between 50 to 70 degrees.Bring them inside if it gets cold outside.

How can I propagate and prune my baby tears plant?

To make more baby tears, either separate them or take cuttings. Division means pulling a part off and planting it in soil. Cuttings should be placed in moist soil.Trimming baby tears helps them grow better and look neat.

Can I grow baby tears plants in containers?

Yes, they do well in pots. Choose one that’s wide and shallow with holes at the bottom. This helps manage their growth.Be gentle when moving them to a new pot.

What are common problems and solutions for baby tears plants?

These plants are tough against bugs and illness. Yet, sometimes bugs like aphids, mites, and mealybugs might show up inside. Overwatering can cause their roots to rot.If you see leaves going black and smelling bad, the roots might be the issue. Fix this by replanting with fresh soil and cutting away damaged roots.

How can I care for my baby tears plant?

Take good care of your baby tears by watering them right, keeping them in a good spot with the light they like, and watching out for pests or sick plants. Regular care will make them grow well.

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