Do you want to add lively colors to your home? The Flaming Katy, or Kalanchoë, is your answer. This easy-to-care-for plant comes from Madagascar. It lights up your space with its gorgeous flowers.

This piece will look at where the Flaming Katy comes from. And we’ll share tips to keep it healthy and blooming every year.

Key Takeaways:

  • Flaming Katy, or Kalanchoë blossfeldiana, is a low-maintenance succulent that produces vibrant blooms.
  • The plant belongs to the Kalanchoë family and is an evergreen shrub.
  • Flaming Katy requires a resting period with minimal daylight to flower again.
  • It can be grown both indoors and outdoors, with specific care needed for winter flowering.
  • Proper watering, fertilization, pruning, and a rest period are essential for the plant’s health and longevity.

Flaming Katy: Origin and Characteristics

Flaming Katy is also known as widow’s thrill or Christmas kalanchoë. It’s an evergreen shrub in the Kalanchoë family. This plant, scientifically named Kalanchoë blossfeldiana, captures the hearts of plant lovers with its bright blooms.

The flaming Katy reaches about 30cm in height. It’s a gorgeous succulent that brings elegance to any area. It has beautiful green leaves and colorful flowers from February to June. These flowers can make even the saddest place feel brighter.

The flaming Katy is special because it’s a short-day plant. This means it needs a long night to grow its flowers. You can help it bloom every year by adjusting its light exposure.

When you take good care of the flaming Katy, it stays beautiful for many years. This makes a wonderful, long-lasting addition to your home or garden. Knowing about this plant helps you keep it healthy and enjoy its beauty.

The Most Beautiful Flaming Katy Varieties

Flaming Katy plants come in many colors thanks to breeding. Each kind shows its unique beauty. This brings joy to those who love plants. Now, let’s learn about the top flaming Katy types.

  1. Kalanchoë Blossfeldiana ‘Calandiva’: It has double blooms in bright pink and red. The blooms have ruffled petals. They really make any space look lovely, inside or outside.
  2. Kalanchoë Blossfeldiana ‘Florist Kalanchoë’: It’s loved for its many and long-lasting flowers. It comes in yellow, orange, pink, and white. Its small size is great for little areas that need some color.
  3. Kalanchoë Blossfeldiana ‘Tessa’: Known for its flowers with two colors. They mix pink, orange, and red. The effect is really eye-catching.
  4. Kalanchoë Blossfeldiana ‘Lavender Scallops’: This kind is special with its scalloped petals and light lavender color. It brings grace and peace to any garden or room.
  5. Kalanchoë Blossfeldiana ‘Pink Butterflies’: A name that fits beautifully. Its pink flowers look like butterfly wings. They are charming and fun to see.

These are just a few of the stunning flaming Katy types out there. Each one is unique and special. You can find the perfect match for your style and taste.

Flaming Katy Varieties Comparison

Variety Color Special Features
Kalanchoë Blossfeldiana ‘Calandiva’ Pink and red Ruffled petals
Kalanchoë Blossfeldiana ‘Florist Kalanchoë’ Yellow, orange, pink, white Abundant blooms
Kalanchoë Blossfeldiana ‘Tessa’ Pink, orange, red Bi-color flowers
Kalanchoë Blossfeldiana ‘Lavender Scallops’ Lavender Scalloped-shaped petals
Kalanchoë Blossfeldiana ‘Pink Butterflies’ Pink Butterfly-like patterns

Take some time to look at these varieties. Find the one that speaks to you. It will add color and beauty to where you live.

The Right Location and Growing Conditions for Flaming Katy

Flaming Katy plants love sunny spots that are not too hot. They do well when it’s between 18 and 22°C. Make sure they get light but don’t let them be in the full midday sun. Too much direct sun makes them look burned.

Deciding to grow your Flaming Katy inside or outside matters for when they’ll bloom. These plants need special care in the winter to flower.Keep them away from things that release ethylene, like car exhaust, smoking, and ripening fruits. These can slow down their growth and keep them from flowering well.

It’s key to not give too much water to your Flaming Katy. Using soil that drains well is a good idea. This stops the roots from getting too wet and soft. The soil should be airy, letting water pass easily, and helping the roots breathe.

Benefits of Proper Flaming Katy Location and Growing Conditions

Giving your Flaming Katy the right place and care helps them be healthy and full of bright blooms. The right amount of sun and temperature leads to strong growth and beautiful flowers. Preventing ethylene gas exposure and too much water keeps these plants safe and looking great for a long time.

Setting up the perfect place for your Flaming Katy makes a big difference. Choose a good location, guard them from harmful gases, and don’t water too much. Doing these things means your Flaming Katy will grow into a stunning and lively flower show.

Flaming Katy Plant Care

Flaming Katy Plant Care Tips

Flaming Katy plants need little work but love. Follow these tips for a happy, colorful plant.

  1. Watering: Only water when the soil is dry to the touch. Too much water can harm the roots. Use water with low lime or water that’s been boiled and cooled to avoid mineral build-up. This keeps your plant healthy.
  2. Fertilization: When your Flaming Katy blooms, feed it with balanced houseplant food. This helps it grow strong and flower brightly. Always follow the fertilizer’s directions on how much and how often to use.
  3. Pruning: Keep your plant in shape by cutting it. Take off dead or yellow leaves and any long stems. This makes room for new growth and keeps your Flaming Katy looking good.
  4. Repotting: Move your plant to a bigger pot every two or three years. Pick a new pot that’s a bit larger and has good drainage. When repotting, carefully untangle the roots. Take out any roots that are not healthy.
  5. Rest Period: Give your Flaming Katy a break to bloom again next year. Move it to a spot with less light and cooler temperatures, between 50 and 59°F. This break is like a holiday for your plant.

These care tips will keep your Flaming Katy smiling with bright flowers year after year.

How to Propagate Flaming Katy Plants

Flaming Katy plants are simple to make new from the old, letting you grow your collection. There are two ways to do it: cutting and using leaves. Done right, you’ll soon have more of these bright blooms at home.

Propagation Method 1: Using Cut Shoots

Here’s how to start new plants from cut shoots:

  1. First, cut some healthy shoots off your mature Flaming Katy plant.
  2. Use sharp, clean shears to cut just above a leaf or in a thick part of the shoot.
  3. Get a soil mix or a special powder to help roots grow.
  4. If you want, dip the cut end in the powder before planting.
  5. Plant the shoot with the cut side down, making sure it stands up straight.
  6. Give it a light water so the soil is damp.
  7. Keep it where there’s not too much sun, but it’s nice and warm.
  8. Make sure it’s not too wet or too dry by checking the soil often.
  9. After a few weeks, you’ll see new leaves prove your plant is growing.

Just like that, you’ve started a new Flaming Katy plant by cutting.

Propagation Method 2: Using Leaves

Or, you can use leaf cuttings. Here’s a simple guide:

  1. Choose fresh and whole leaves from a big Flaming Katy.
  2. Take them off the stem without tearing them.
  3. Fill a container with special dirt or the root powder.
  4. Push the leaves in a bit, making good contact with the dirt.
  5. Water them slightly so the dirt is just damp.
  6. Keep the container warm and bright, but not in direct sunlight.
  7. Check the dirt often, and water when it feels dry.
  8. In a few weeks, you’ll see tiny plants growing where the leaves touch the soil.

With care, these baby plants will grow into new Flaming Katy plants.

Pro Tip: Don’t forget to label your plants as they grow for easy tracking.

Making new Flaming Katy plants is fun and lets you share their beauty. It doesn’t matter if you choose cutting or leaves. Just follow these steps, give them love, and watch your plants shine indoors or out.

Pros and Cons of Flaming Katy Propagation Methods

Propagation Method Pros Cons
Using Cut Shoots
  • Higher success rate
  • Faster growth
  • Ability to produce multiple plants from a single shoot
  • Requires pruning
  • Need for rooting hormone (optional)
Using Leaves
  • Easier method for beginners
  • Ability to propagate more plants from a single leaf
  • No pruning required
  • Slower initial growth
  • Lower success rate
  • Requires patience

Each way to start new plants has its good points and challenges. Pick the one that matches your skills and likes to successfully grow more Flaming Katy plants.


Flaming Katy plants bring joy to any space, indoors or out. They add lively colors and beauty. Follow these care tips to keep your plant happy and full of bright blooms.

Make sure it gets enough sunlight, but not too much. Keep the soil moist, but not wet. Use a houseplant fertilizer during flowering to help it grow strong and bloom brightly.

Remember, it needs a time to rest too, with less light and cooler temperatures. With the right care, your flaming Katy will fill your home or garden with lovely flowers. So, start caring for it today and see the beauty it adds to your life.


How often should I water my flaming Katy plant?

Water when the soil is dry. Make sure not to overwater to avoid root rot.

Can I grow flaming Katy plants indoors?

Yes, you can. They need care, especially for winter flowering.

How do I fertilize my flaming Katy plant?

Use balanced houseplant fertilizer while it’s flowering. This gives it the nutrients it needs.

When should I prune my flaming Katy plant?

Prune your plant as it grows. Do this as necessary all year round.

How do I propagate flaming Katy plants?

You can use cut shoots or leaves to make new plants. Put them in soil or a medium with root hormone to help them grow.

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